Phlegraean Fields: information and news from


Ludovica apt. A
Ludovica apartment B
Ludovica apartment C
Ludovica apartment D
Ludovica apartment E


La Culla Convent
Prova Prova

Welcome on the web site of Sorrento and Positano rentals and tours in Campania !

Vanvitelli hunting lodge on the lake Fusaro

Vanvitelli hunting lodge on the lake Fusaro


Pozzuoli became a colony of Samos in the second part of the VI century B.C. Previously it had been known as Dikaiarchia and had fought beside Cumae against the Etruscans and the Samnites, who conquered it in the second part of the V century B.C.
In the II century B.C. under the Romans it took the name of Puteoli, becoming the main strategic base for the Roman fleet in the Mediterranean until the foundation of the port of Ostia (1st century A.D.). In spite of its decline at this period, it was held in great esteem by the Emperors and particularly by Domitian who connected it to the capital by a road which took his name.

The Temple of Serapis:
This is one of the major monumental testimonies to the Roman Age, also known as Serapeo. Although its name comes from the discovery of a statue to Serapis, an ancient Egyptian divinity worshipped during the Greek and Roman eras, the structure, which we can see today, was a public marketplace of considerable dimensions. On the side opposite to the main entrance there was a semicircular room containing several niches with statues. The central portion of the courtyard was occupied by a circular podium with a central fountain which was decorated with statues, a group of 16 columns in African marble. This construction dates back to the Flavian period. The temple of Serapis is of great interest to us today, apart from its exceptional architectural and archaelogical value, because it enables us to “read” at a glance the dynamics of centuries of bradyseism at Pozzuoli. On the remains of the columns which rise from the central podium and on the three large columns which remains standing of the four, one can see the holes produced by the litodomi- a type of mollusc which bores into the stone onto which it clung.

Just outside the town of Pozzuoli there is the Solfatara. It was known in Roman times as Forum Vulcani, and is in fact the large crater of a dormant volcano. The dormant period of this volcanic formation near Pozzuoli is one of the typical stages of post-volcanic activity; a period when the only sign of life of a dormant volcano is when it produces sulphureous gases which create sulphur deposits. The crater itself has an elliptical shape. The only buildings inside the crater are the ancient Observatory, situated close to the so-called Bocca Grande (the Large Mouth of the crater) and the Furnaces, from which steam reaches temperatures of around 100° C. One of the most characteristic phenomenon which can be seen inside the crater of Solfatara is the condensation of water vapour which forms little clouds in the presence of a naked flame. meni bradisismici, che sono più evidenti al tempio di Serapide di Pozzuoli.

The archaelogical site at Cumae is situated between the pine woods at Licola and the so-called Arco Felice. The arch was raised in the 1st century A.D., at the time of Domitian . Nearby is the so-called Grotta di Cocceio (The Grotto of Cocceius) which is actually an underground passage which joined the town to the Averno lake. The Acropolis is reached by the Via Sacra, a road which was constructed using wide slabs of volcanic rock. On the right are the ruins of Apollo’s Temple, a Greek building reconstructed in the Samnite and Roman eras. Between the VI and VII centuries the Temple was turned into a Christian Basilica. On the top of the Acropolis area, a spot from where one can admire an extensive panorama, is the Jupiter’s Temple which is similar in structure to that of Apollo. Its origins are Greek (5th century B.C.), but it was completely reconstructed under Augustus. This was also reconverted to a Christian Basilica during the 5th-6th centuries, and there are well-preserved remains of a baptismal font. One of the most famous features of the archaelogical zone at Cumae is the Cave of the Cumaen Sibyl. This was one of the most visited sanctuaries of the ancient world and was dug out into the tufa rock by Greeks (6th - 5th century B.C.) for about 100 metres. Not far from the tunnel is the entrance to the so-called Roman Crypt, a huge cavity dug into the Cumaean mountainside.

Arrange with us a private tour in the Phlegraean Fields with an English-speaking guide

Versione Italiana Versione Italiana   

° Spaccanapoli on Christmas
Pompeii 2 h
 Herculaneum 2 h
° Archaeol. Museum 2 h

° R. Palace of Caserta 1,45h

° Paestum 2 h

° Churches of Naples 2 h

° Amalfi Coast

° Capri

° Pompeii/Herculaneum

° Pompeii/Vesuvius

° Phlegrean Fields

° Ischia

° Naples Sightseeing

° Sorrento walking tour

° Pompeii/Positano/Capri

° Pompeii/Hercul./Oplontis


° Pompeii (with Villa of the Mysteries) - 2,30 h
Pompeii 3 h
 Pompeii 4 h
 Pompeii 6 h
° Pompeii x disabled people


Special Shore Excursions for cruisers with English-speaking guides to Sorrento, Pompeii, Herculaneum, Naples, Paestum, Ischia, Amalfi Coast, Capri and the other nice locations in Campania.
Ask us more information about the details of our offers: we use only local professional guides and air-conditioning Mercedes Vehicles with English-speaking drivers.


Flexibility and professionalism are some of the aspects which have made our Tailormade Tours ideal for visiting in one day spectacular places like Pompeii, Herculaneum, Capri, Amalfi Coast and so on.....




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